As Reported By
Our Happy Customers and Raving Fans…

  • cust repo icn1

    communication skills

  • cust repo icn2

    sleep quality

  • cust repo icn3


  • cust repo icn4

    social interactions

  • cust repo icn5

    attention span

  • cust repo icn6

    cognitive function

  • cust repo icn7


  • cust repo icn8

    Better mood

Real Customer Stories


More Peaceful Home!

We have a more peaceful home thanks to these pills. Less fighting, more reasoning and ability to problem-solve, less meltdowns.

- Debbie M.


Meltdowns decreased by 80%

This has helped my 5 years with Level 2 autism so much. Within the first week his meltdowns decreased by 80%. He is communicating so much better. My favorite part though is he is starting to show kindness and empathy to his little sister. I will never miss a day!

- Tara K.


“Your son is a completely different child”

Oh my gosh brilliant to say the least!! I believe it has been more than a couple of months and you should hear everyone at his school rave about his successes in behavior, grades, social interactions with peers, participation in class, etc. The principal even came up to me in person and said I don't know what you are doing with your son but he is a completely different child than last year!!

- Gretchen G.

This is NOT your average multivitamin

Multi+ takes things to the next level. Our comprehensive formula includes essential minerals,
whole foods, and potent extracts that have been clinically proven. That’s why it outperforms other
multivitamins on the market. And it offers many more benefits:


Brain & Cognitive Function Support

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Multi+ contains a powerful cognitive enhancement stack of vitamins and minerals that can help improve your child’s memory, focus, and attention. Choline, Gotu Kola herb extract, Methylfolate, Copper (TRAACS®), Polyphenol whole food blend, Bacopa Leaf extract, and Pycnogenol® (French maritime pine bark extract) all work together to support healthy brain function and cognitive development.

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Development, Energy, & Performance

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Vitamins and minerals play a crucial role in your child’s growth and development. Multi+ includes essential nutrients like Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Pantothenic Acid/Vitamin B5, Vitamin K, Thiamin, Magnesium (TRAACS®), Riboflavin/Vitamin B2, and Manganese (TRAACS®) to help your child feel and perform their best. These nutrients support optimal energy levels, healthy growth and development, and overall physical performance.

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Immunity Support

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Children with ASD are more susceptible to infections and illnesses. That’s why Multi+ includes vitamins and minerals that are essential for immune health. Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Niacin, Zinc (TRAACS®), and Molybdenum (TRAACS®) all work together to boost your child’s natural defense system and help them stay healthy.

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Mood Boosting

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Children with ASD often struggle with mood and behavior issues. That’s why Multi+ includes Vitamin B12 and Chromium, which can help your child relieve stress and enhance their mood. These nutrients promote a sense of calm and emotional stability, which can help your child feel more comfortable and engaged in their daily activities.

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Superior Nutrition

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Multi+ contains a rare and robust variety of premium strength vitamins, minerals, and nutrients that the body craves but may struggle to get from food (or from 99% of the multivitamins on the market). These nutrients support overall health and wellbeing and provide your child with the foundational support they need to thrive.

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With Multi+ Advance Multivitamin, you can feel confident that you’re giving your child the support they need to live their best life. Try it today and see the difference it can make!

3 Reasons Why Multi+ is 3 Times Better
than Regular Multivitamins

Multi+ is 3 times more absorbable than standard name-brand multivitamins. This means your child
digests and uses better its premium ingredients. Here are the 3 reasons why Multi+ outperforms other
vitamin supplements:

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With Multi+ Advance Multivitamin, you can feel confident that you’re giving your child the support they need to live their best life. Try it today and see the difference it can make!

What Our Customers
Are Saying


Thank you for helping improve lives

I got Aspire vitamins for our 11 years old granddaughter who is on the spectrum! We feel they help her a lot and keep her healthy, strong and vital! Thank you for helping to improve lives! She is more vocal too!

- Deborah D.


My son is making progress day by day

I believe my son is making progress day by day. He just turned 6. He's been talking more and more. I think it's a combination of everything. I'm sure that him having all the right nutrients will make him succeed. He's been very happy and communicating more. I'm definitely going to continue using this supplement.

- Natalia M.

The Key to Unlocking Your Child’s Potential

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Oxidative stress is a common problem in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). In fact, researchers from places like Harvard Medical School and Duke University have found that increased oxidative stress is associated with the development of ASD.

However, according to studies, if we reduce oxidative stress in the brain, we can improve the lives of children with ASD. The key to this approach is Pycnogenol. It’s a powerful antioxidant derived from the bark of the French maritime pine tree.

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Pycnogenol fights oxidative stress in three ways. It eliminates free radicals, reduces inflammation, and generates more antioxidants in the body. By restoring balance in the brain and body, it boosts attention, memory, and executive function.

In a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, children who took Pycnogenol saw a remarkable 53% reduction in hyperactivity and improvement in attention and concentration. Moreover, 100+ studies have shown that Pycnogenol improves attention, memory and executive function.

This is why Multi+ contains Pycnogenol. To reduce oxidative stress, so children can feel more comfortable and engaged in their daily activities.

Reviews from Real People


Answer To Prayers!

These have been fantastic so far! We’ve been using for about 1.5 weeks for my severely ADHD kiddos and their focus and impulse control has definitely improved!

– Leslie H.


My Boy Has Put On Some Weight

I had challenges with my boy not eating and being extremely picky. I tried several multivitamins which he spit out. Also he has been very restless. I stormed across this product and ordered it together with the gut antibiotic powder. I took unflavoured so I can easily hide it in his drink. This plan could only sell with the t being hid in his orange juice. Since he is extremely picky he noticed some different taste but he took it all. Although I usually put both the bio heal and the multi+ together and give him every day. He has put on some weight, he uses full sentences to say he is hungry and tells us the food of his choice. Honestly I am very happy as I was so bothered about my boy. Also am confident of what he is taking in because I believe the products are natural.

- Ijeoma O.

Why This Company Exists

(A Message From Our Founder, Marty Orefice, The Father
of A Child With an ASD Diagnosis…)

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My son was diagnosed with autism shortly before his third birthday. I didn’t know what to do or where to turn. And at the time, I had also been extremely sick. So I was researching EVERYTHING I could about non-traditional, natural methods to take care of us both.

That’s when I started finding study after study after study on the importance of gut health. I discovered that by healing my gut, I could improve MY recurring mono, adrenal fatigue, ulcers, etc…

PLUS, make a positive difference with the autism symptoms my son had to live with.

But… there wasn’t ONE supplement out there on the market that provided ALL of the different ingredients I was reading were crucial to our gut health.

So I ordered LOTS of different vitamins, probiotics, prebiotics, enzymes, etc. and started opening up the capsules to mix them all together every morning.

I tested this new blend on myself first. And then, once I knew it was safe, I gave it to my son.

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My symptoms were completely reversed, but I felt even MORE amazing when I watched my son go from 100% echolalic (only repeating words) to actually communicating with me.

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Today, my son is fully recovered and doesn’t experience any of the symptoms that defined his life.

And after two and a half years of spending a fortune on a cabinet full of supplements, and a messy process of opening them all up to home-make my own blend, I decided to shut down a successful real estate investment business of 13 years to create the products that changed my son’s life AND to get it in the hands of as many other children and families as I could.

My best friends, sister, mom, fiance, and family friends all witnessed the dramatic transformation in my son, and so they all decided to join the team and help me start this business.

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Today, we get messages every day from people of all ages saying this probiotic formula helped with their Constipation, Acne, ADD/ADHD, Eczema, Ulcerative Colitis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Arthritis, sleep issues, and so much more.

Parents write us to say that they thank God every day that our product exists. And they tell us we’re never allowed to go out of business.

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I give my son all the credit. It’s my love for him that created this company.

Because of him, we’ve changed thousands of lives.

It would be our honor to help support your family, too.

~Marty Orefice

You can SAVE Time and Money With Multi+

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Say goodbye to the hassle and expense of multiple supplements with Multi+. Its comprehensive formula includes everything your child needs for optimal health, from essential vitamins and minerals to whole foods and potent extracts.

But that’s not all. By supporting your child’s health with Multi+, you may observe improvements in their behavior, communication, and social interaction. You will reduce the need for costly therapies and interventions.

Simplify your life and support your child’s health with Multi+. It’s an investment in your child’s health and your wallet. Give your child the best possible start in life.

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Real Customer Stories


“I will be ordering more”

I Was More Productive While Taking These Vitamins. I will be ordering more as my budget allows. It is a great product. Thank you so much!

- Linda M.


The only product my son likes

It is true when they say it is unflavored. My son has tried several unflavored products and he knows right away and won't it eat. Yeah!

- Kara C.


The Only Vitamin He’ll Take

The Multi+ Multivitamin Unflavored Powder is the only vitamin my autistic grandson will take. We mix it in his morning glass of chocolate almond milk, along with his Bio-Heal Pro+ Probiotic Powder. Life saving vitamins!

- Amy B.

Save Even More With Our
Bulk Discount

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At Aspire, we know that caring for a child with autism can be difficult and overwhelming. That’s why we offer bulk discounts for buying three or six bottles of our product. Our happiest customers are those who choose the six-month, six-bottle option, which comes with the biggest possible discount.

A six-month supply of Multi+ ensures that you have enough to maintain a regular regimen and experience the maximum benefits. Our manufacturing facility takes up to three months to source and produce a single batch of Multi+, and our exclusive prices for bulk purchases are only available for a limited time.

We’re not big pharma, and we’re not looking to make a quick profit. We’re committed to making Multi+ accessible to everyone who needs it, which is why we’ve set our prices as low as possible without compromising on quality.

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We understand that trying a new product can be daunting, which is why we offer a 90-day money-back guarantee with no questions asked. Plus, we’re offering free shipping for orders over $70, so you can try Multi+ risk-free and receive it conveniently at your doorstep.

Our previous customers have shared their positive experiences with Multi+, and we’re confident that it can help your child too. We’re here to support you every step of the way, and our customer service team is available 24/7 to answer any questions you may have.

We invite you to take advantage of this exclusive offer and experience the long-term benefits of Multi+. Choose the package that best meets your needs and start unlocking your child’s full potential today.

Choose Your
Discounted Package

Choose Multi+ Powder Unflavored Deal That’s Right For You And Save Today!

pck alert ATTENTION:

Choose Powder or Capsules

Unflavored Powder


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What Our Customers
Are Saying


My Son Is A Totally Different Kid More Vocal And Focused

My son was diagnosed with level 2 ASD just before his 3rd birthday. The Multi + MultiVitamin powder along with the Bio Heal Pro + Probiotic Powder has helped him so much with communication, focus and relieve constipation his a totally different kid with 2 weeks of taking this. His Preschool educator and therapist have noticed the improvement he's been making.

- Renee B.


My health is improving in every way

I have numerous health issues that I have been addressing for a long time. I’m on numerous medications and it has now gotten to the point where I absolutely hate taking pills. I have a very difficult time swallowing large pills- especially vitamins. I gag and get very sick trying. Powdered multivitamins, that you can add to smoothies or food, is a great solution. I am now able to consume multivitamins without any problems.

These are great quality vitamins without having to swallow large pills, without any bad after taste, without the smell and without stomach discomfort. Best of all, they work well. I have more energy and my health is improving in every way- especially my digestive system. This multivitamin includes numerous vitamins without the empty preservatives that doesn’t have nutritional value.

I found out about Aspire products while doing online research for alternative solutions for certain health problems. I decided to try it. Now I’m hooked. I would like to add, that both Aspire probiotic powders are amazing as well. Every day I have a smoothie with the Aspire multivitamin, bio-heal probiotic and/or bio-heal Pro probiotics. It makes a big difference in how I feel.

- Mary E.


Improved language, eye contact, and independence

The changes have been noticed by everyone! Our son’s teachers, therapists, our adult family friends and we have all seen very noticeable differences. It would be hard to say this is not part of his progress. He has begun saying more, his eye contact has improved, and he is even out of diapers. We are so thankful for these improvements and look forward to continued improvements.

- Brittany T.


I Really Love This Product

This multivitamin is great!!! The price is great because the powder last longer than other products I have used. As for my son he seems happier as if he is seeing the world for the first time. Thank you I recommend this to my sister and all the moms

- Sarah L.


Stable mood, better focus and sleep

I wanted to give it a full 6 weeks before writing a review. My son has moderate to severe ADHD and we have been reluctant to try medication because of his age. I have seen a noticeable, positive improvement since starting this supplement. His mood is more stable and he can focus more at school. I started taking this product myself and have noticed more energy, more focus and better sleep.

- Claire P.

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Answers To All Your Questions So You Feel
Safe Giving Bio-Heal A Try.

Does The Multivitamin Work For People Who Do Not Have Autism or ADHD?

100%. Multi+ is designed for all children and adults looking to improve healthy gut function, fight inflammation and boost the immune system.

What is the Recommended Serving Size?
How is Multi+ manufactured/tested?
Who can take Multi+?
When should Multi+ be taken?
How long can it be taken for?
How should Multi+ be stored?
Allergen Information
Does Multi+ contain nuts?
Can Multi+ be taken with other medications or during pregnancy?
What does the powder taste and smell like?